*Yyymsn.com has been the top #1 dealer of Doll in 2020.
yyymsn’s office is located in California, the United States. We started selling dolls in 2017, and we have obtained the approval of TDF (The Doll Forum) in 2019. We began to stock up some inventory in the US office so that some customers could purchase and receive goods quickly. But the outside world has attacked and slandered us more.
To let all doll lovers get a better experience on our website, and to convince everyone who loves yyymsn.com, we have made a lot of effort and have become good partners with major manufacturers. We don’t need to risk destroying the relationship between yyymsn.com and manufacturers like WM/SE/YL. We have enough orders and profits, and we don’t need to sell counterfeit to get profits to support our company. These things that are spread and amplified on the Internet cannot be the whole truth.yyymsn’s principle of selling genuine products has never changed. We know that if we only rely on selling knockoffs and fakes, no company is destined to last.
For a year, that guy never stops attacking and slandering Yyymsn.com. We always make a concession and this is the first time we make a response. We are shuddered and extremely horrified at the ability to mobilize public opinion in just a few months. They must stop attacking yyymsn.com and taking the opportunity to recommend their own websites when doll lovers ask whether yyymsn.com is legit! Commercial competition should be a competition with limits, rather than using the title of the so-called sex doll expert to guide the direction of public opinion and deceive the public for their own business. We tend to fair competition and we respect all of the positive competitors.
Now for all the dolls you buy from yyymsn.com, we will provide factory pictures to confirm that you are satisfied with all the details before shipment. After receiving the goods, you can also check the anti-counterfeiting code or directly write an email to the original manufacturer for confirmation. In addition, if you are in the United States, you can also ship the doll to our office in Los Angeles. Before picking up the product, you can confirm that the doll is genuine and then take it home. *However, pick-up is not available now since our certificate is not allowed to pick up sex dolls from 05-01-21. You can pick it up at the FedEx/UPS store if you want. Thank you for understanding!
For a long time, many competitors have plagiarized yyymsn’s banner, copywriting content, web page layout design, and even similar domain names. Doll cannot follow up and warn them in time. This leads you to often find that many websites look very similar to yyymsn.com. To ensure the safety of your funds, please make sure that you place an order and make a payment on a correct and legit website.
We thank those men who always support and love yyymsn.com. Yyymsn.com will adhere to the original intention, always strive for the greatest benefit for customers, and provide the best products and services.
If you have any questions, you can contact yyymsn.com or directly contact the manufacturer to ensure that your doll is purchased from genuine channels.
Be safe and healthy,
Doll Team
Sex Doll Top Brands
Below are all of the sex doll brands that have been listed on yyymsn.com. All of our dolls are made by these brands and manufacturers. NO COUNTERFEIT HERE! We always send sex doll photos when your order is finished so that you can make sure the doll is what you want. Also, you can email the original manufacturer to confirm whether they receive your order to make sure your doll is genuine. Click any brand logo and you will be redirected to the product collections page of the brand.